Sunday, February 06, 2005

Hrm, I Wonder...

If my interminable physical attraction to older men, when I was younger (and even up to recently) such as Harrison Ford (OMG that movie poster for Indiana Jones has fueled many of my girly fantasies, and made me want to be an archaeologist for almost ten years) and George Clooney (Hello! Oceans Eleven people!) Is the reason why I don't date men my age.

I actually refuse to. Perhaps I'm limiting myself for doing so, but I really couldn't care less.

24 might be good for *ahem* stamina, but I've actually sat down and thought about it, and the most attractive men (to me) that I've dated, are usually around the 28-38 year old range.

And honestly, what 28-38 year old male is going to be disappointed that he has a 24 year old chick on his arm? There's gotta be a psychological benefit for them too. (Older guy + Younger chick = Fuck yeah, I'm a Stud.)

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