Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It's been said...

That you should never have a picture taken of you with an alcoholic bevvy or a cigarette in your hand. (I've broken both of these... Repeatedly. *See profile pic for a PERFECT example.* )

That no matter how bad things seem, they can ALWAYS get worse. (Fo sho!)

That good help is hard to find, and even harder to keep. (Like me quitting Safeway. :P)

That size doesn't always matter. (When in fact, it plays a large... or small, depending... role.)

That love is blind. (Unless he's really ugly. JUST KIDDING!)

What's the point of all this? Nothing really. It popped into my head whilst browsing an old email sent to me from tickle.com for matchmaking. Dude was holding a beer and posing at the bar. I don't think that's the sort of message you wanna be sending when you're up on a personals website. "HEY! I'm a barstar! I'll fuck ya then toss ya aside like garbage!"

Perhaps I'm exaggerating....

As an aside...

I'm learning how to eat again, it's going along fairly well. I haven't managed to drool on anything, which is always good.

Since when did they have to put a disclaimer on the side of the cups for Slurpee's that "brain freeze may occur!" What? D'ya think that sucking down a 1.5 litre cup of frozen flavoured slush REALLY fast, isn't going to affect you?

If you haven't figured that out by now, then you've never been a thirsty seven year old on a hot summer's day...

I'm craving Butter Chicken and Basmati rice like mad the past few days... That's unusual. I normally crave it only on Thursdays. It's time for a trip to Curry Express.


Monkey said...

Hey Linds!

Holy cow I visited your blog after you so kindly visited mine and left some cool comments - and WOW - I like what I read about you, I like your style, you're funny - I'm glad I found you!
I've returned the linage too - thanks!!!

Linds said...

Yay! *grins*

I still think your "damned pop-ups!" regarding Porn on the comp is one of the funniest lines I've ever read on a blog. I pointed it out to a classmate when I was laughing my ass off during lunch, and he laughed for about three minutes over it. I know for a fact he's gonna use it as an excuse himself.

Monkey said...

Well it's good to know I can still make people bust out laughing in class - some things never change. Sigh.
Glad you liked it! I like you and I'm honored to have found yet another friend!