Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Music is my Heroin...Tunes to Groove by Version 0.2


Album: Permission To Land

Artist: The Darkness

Genre: Rawk.

Imagine if you will, a dimension where AC/DC and Queen mesh into one big glob of overly hairsprayed, Brit-glam, rock band. This, my darlings, is "The Darkness" zone.

An amalgamation of pants so tight that they look sewn on, shrieking vocals, and screaming guitars.

They absolutely rule.

The lead singer, one Justin Hawkins, could be called shrill, and quite often IS shrill, (much like my Grandmother when I forget to make my bed) but it just adds to the cheese factor of the whole album. This release is Fromage. Very good fromage.

Everyone that's heard any rock station in the past eight months has heard "I Believe In A Thing Called Love." and if you're lucky, you've seen the scrawny lead singer in naught but his pasty white english skin in the Video on T.V. It's very reminiscent of Queen, and David Bowie's stuff in the 80's, with space ships and beautiful women in bikini's, fur coats, and whatnot.

I LOVE this song. It was the Anthem of Summer for myself and Mizz Liz while we were living together, because it got us suped up for a night out.

"Get Your Hands Off My Woman" is sung so fast, it's unitelligible. You can't understand more than the line "Get your hands off my woman mother-fucker!" Although, from reading the lyrics, there are quite a few profanities tossed in there other than that particular one.

The funniest thing about this song, was listening to it on the bus, and hearing the final shriek of "Mother fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkerrrrrrr!" echo from my headphones. I was a mixture of mortified and hysterically amused. Seeing as there was a seven year old across the bus aisle.

This is an awesome album, great for summer parties, if people don't mind glam rock.

It get's a Glamazon rating of: 4.25/5 shoes.

Go get it.

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