Friday, February 25, 2005

Mid-term Madness...

Before I even knew it, my midterms hit me like a truckload of bricks.


Being that this is my first foray into post secondary education, I really didn't expect how heavy an amount of work this would entail.

Of course, my small business decides to get in action at EXACTLY the same time as midterms, ensuring that I wouldn't get ANY sleep for the next week and a half. I'm the equivalent of a walking corpse right now. I'm lucky if I find time to eat dinner, and have a shower, in between trying to make my midterm assignments look as slick as possible.

My room? Fuhgeddabouddit.

I'm looking forward to when this is over so I can clean up the clutter happening in there. My desk looks like some sort of nuclear bomb smashed against it's surface, and exploded a shitload of candy wrappers, notes scattered everywhere, water bottles, advil and contact lense solution to lube up my eyes, from staring at my screen all damned day.

Laundry however, is quite managable, being that I don't have to actually DO anything other than put the laundry in the machine and turn it on, and then go upstairs from the dungeon and swap it over to the dryer.

I'm still determined to take my time to myself in the tanning bed, to lie there, slathered in oil, and expose my pasty-white French Canadian skin to some Ultraviolets. Even if it's only ten minutes a session, it's ten minutes where I get to lie down, close my eyes, and feel all warm and cozy.

It's really helped with the seasonal depression that I used to suffer from.

I've also scheduled another massage for next Friday, after midterms, but before the nuclear fallout that is final projects hits my desk. Lo'd knows I need it.

Anyways, Back to class for this slacker.



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