Saturday, February 05, 2005

Another Brief...

My Landlady (a.k.a. Grandma) is addicted to Crosswords.

Crosswords and Jigsaw puzzles.

She commonly asks me questions about the crossword clues given in the New York Times when I manage to stumble up the stairs from "The Dungeon" into the Horrible light of day.

The one she asked me today, and I have absolutely NO clue what the answer could be, is "Does Daisy Duck have nieces named April, May, and June?"

My response other than "What the hell kinda question is that for the New York Times Crossword!?" was "I don't bloody well know."

Maybe you guys do. Pray tell you enlighten me.

I suppose I could just Google it, but it's more fun to ask this way. Plus, it's kinda cute.

She also tends to ask me if I've seen (insert whatever shitty Cable television programme here) before. Lady, I don't even have my T.V. plugged in downstairs. What do YOU think?

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