Sunday, February 13, 2005


Well, my weekend was action packed.

SinCity was pretty fun. Absolutely packed, and I stood in line for two hours to get in, stubborn Taurus to the living end my darlings. It was pretty fun at the end. I got quite a few positive remarks on my costume.

The highlight of my evening had to be the guy playing the saxophone in "Blood Alley" which is just a brick inlaid alley behind the club itself. I shouted down at him if he had "summertime" by Ira and George Gershwin, and true enough he did. I then asked him if I could sing along with it, and proceeded to do my best Sarah Vaughan rendition, eliciting muchos applause once our impromptu duet had finished. I saw him inside the club later on, and he gave me the sweetest most appreciative kiss on the cheek. Apparently I helped him make twice the amount of money he normally does while busking in the back alley during Fetish night. (For two hours of play, he made over 100 bucks. Not too shabby.)

I've been known to make about 40 bucks on a Sunday morning at King George Skytrain station in an hour, singing acapella. I've never tried Downtown. Perhaps I should.

Sunday afternoon rolls around, Erik was gracious enough to let me crash at his place. (Thanks Sweetie!) I get picked up by a girl-friend of mine, and venture into New West, attempting indoor tanning for the first time ever, and finally (despite many efforts, summer, after summer... after summer...) to get some colour in my pasty-white, French-Canadian gams.


I get home, after being out for over 24 hours. Inspired to write.

I browse my quota of blogs for the day, only to find out some pretty shitty news.

Devin had a minor heart attack on Saturday night.

I think I stopped breathing momentarily.

The most infuriating thing about not being able to be with him on a day to day basis, is not being there when he's alone, and (I'm 99 percent sure) absolutely terrified. I made a phone call, but it hasn't been returned yet.

Considering I've been contemplating my own mortality the past while, I can't imagine what's running through his head. At least for now he's on light duties at work, and has an opportunity to stop burning the candle at both ends and perhaps get a little more rest, which is something he direly needs. Every single prayer and thought running through my head right now is dedicated to his well being.

Chin up, my love. I wish I was there, maybe to comfort myself as well as you.



Wardo said...

I'll allow you to call me "honey" if you like. You're cool enough for me.


Linds said...

Gratzi. I just might. Honey.
