Sunday, February 06, 2005


On a whim, I decided to check out Numerology on the Web, because one of my fellow students studied it for ages, and had mentioned that the letter L, being the first letter of my name, is fairly signifigant for creativity. Thusly, being insatiably curious, I proceed to Google "Numerology."

After a few bogus links where they expected me to pay (Pffft! As if!) I found THIS site. Which is extremely detailed, very easy to use, and from my experience, incredibly accurate.

Granted, it takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour of your time, (longer if you don't read very quickly, or have trouble adding single digit numbers together.) And I would also highly recommend having a pen and paper handy to do your calculations out, and find out what letters in your name symbolize which numbers.

It could all be a bunch of bollocks.

I will admit, that the floating, photoshopped head of the author of the site in the side bar is a tad creepy, since by doing so it made him appear to be a freaky cult leader, but all in all, I was VERY satisfied with my readings. I know my flaws more than anyone else could possibly imagine, and I know how to avoid doing them, but to have this "scientific" method of divining my personality and future was fascinating.

Best thing about it all? It's completely free. You don't even have to plug in your email addy.

If you've got an hour to spare in your busy schedule, I'd recommend satisfying your curiosity.

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