Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Hey, Big Spender...

Well, I purchased my ticket to Dallas today. Perhaps it was a bit pre-emptive, being that I'm not leaving to go until May 2nd. However, I'm a student, and the earlier you purchase your tickets, the cheaper they are.

That's always important.

Considering I've pretty much guaranteed covering the cost of it already, from commissions for design work, I feel a little less freaked out by slapping 402 bucks on a ticket for four days. That's including taxes and various assorted "airport improvement" fees. (What a friggin joke that is.)

It's going to be SO worth it. *crosses her fingers* I know I'll be a nervous wreck until I meet him. Damnit, I'm so neurotic. *le sigh*

I'm not up for much of a post today, sleep deprivation has been brutal, what with staying up 'til grotesque hours of the morning doing my assignments. I wish that my brain worked faster creatively before 11 PM, and that I wasn't so reticularly ANAL about how projects looked when I handed them in... Then again, what sort of piss-poor Graphics Designer would I be if I handed in to my instructors, and consecutively, clients, shitty Design work? Why would I turn in shitty design work when I'm paying 16,000 bucks for my programme?

I don't think it would be such a trial, if I didn't have to get up at 6:30AM to be at school by 9AM.

I'm pondering, quite seriously, crawling under my duvet, and dying for a few hours. However, doing so at 7 pm, would be a poor decision indeed. I probably wouldn't wake up.

The unexpected bonus with this sleep deprivation nonsense, is that I can sleep the whole night (all four or five hours I get per day) through solid.

It's more a coma like state, where once the alarm clock near my head goes off, I have a very intimate affair with my snooze button. I get to catch bits and pieces of popular music, and DJ ramblings in between the time it takes for my arm to move and my fingers to fumble trying to find the button.

Mmmm... sleep.

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