Wednesday, February 16, 2005

And What It All Boils Down To...

Is that Sex, sells.

Big time.

I've been a partner in an adult-oriented website that deals with alternative sexuality for almost a year.

My partner and I, have been discussing methods of boosting sales with this website and have come to several conclusions.

First things first, it needs a total makeover. I designed it with absolutely NO previous experience, using Yahoo Sitebuilder. Needless to say, it's completely "Mickey-Moused" and slapped together.

Apparently, since it's conception in mid-April of 2004, we've had over 28,000 hits. That's fucking impressive, but revenue received from it, due to the fickle crowd browsing for that sort of thing, is NOT impressive. (Okay, it's revenue is moderately impressive, but we could pimp the fucker out for much more than it already makes.)

All I need is a little more experience, and a little more spare time. I honestly think, that this site has HUGE potential, branching out in several different areas. The minds of people that dig fetish, are complex in their desires, but at the same time VERY easily manipulated.

That is, if you know how to say what they want to hear. I learned how to say what they want to hear years ago.

My partner and I both have very strong business minds, myself by dealing with the technical stuff, and the visual aspect, and her by dealing with the big picture, bringing up ideas that never crossed my mind, and making it easy to put into motion. Combine that together, and you've got one helluva creative team.

So, the site for "The Mistress" is going to get an extreme makeover. that includes a tummy tuck, some liposuction, and a myriad of new accessories. Including an online store, the incorporation of E-mail domination, Pay-Per-View movies, and whatever else my partner in crime and I decide to toss in there.

Think what you want of me, for dealing with such sordid details on a regular basis, but I work my ass off.

It's not easy. And it won't be easy getting all of this done before September rolls around.

I'll find some time.

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