Wednesday, February 23, 2005


To borrow a peice of terminology from Cryptic, I've got a wee bit of a Rogg that's going to commence... Now.

I have a beef with people that decide to post nasty, personal attacks in comments on people's blogs.

What the fuck is your problem?

Do you think that posting insults like a chickenshit on someone's blog, (usually anonymously) is clever?

Does it get your point across? Perhaps. Does it make you look like the klingons circling my arsehole? Definitely.

In my opinion, that's the equivalent of breaking up with someone over the phone. It's just plain cowardice.

Grow the fuck up. Or, strap on some balls and say it to their face. It doesn't matter HOW they treated you, or what went down, if you're a disturbed ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, post-employee of theirs, or whatever. Say it directly to them, and stop washing the walls with your personal shite. By carrying on like a whiny little toddler, you're only making an ass out of yourself.

Learn how to take a fall with grace, instead of falling flat on your face. When all is said and done, what you're going to remember the most, is not what happened previously, but how you behaved because of it.

Remember, that "Karma," even though you're espousing it like some pathetic dogma, will bite you in the ass. Negative begets negative. You're missing the entire concept about Karma, from the content of your comments themselves, you colossal idiot.

When your spending the last hours of your life alone, and wondering why, There's your fucking answer. You deserved it.

This isn't even regarding me, this is regarding someone I care about, who has been having an exceedingly rough time lately.

When people are deliberately malicious, when they decide to exploit someones weaknesses or ailments/illnesses, (whatever the case may be.) Whenever they ponder taking something like that, and emphasizing the negative, I get absolutely outraged. It seriously offends my sense of values and ethics. It doesn't matter WHO is being attacked. That's just plain low. You don't kick someone when they're down.

Perhaps it's just me, but I'm wholeheartedly considering emailing the individual that was so malicious to my friend, and telling them to go fuck themselves. I probably will refrain and just write this entry in here, because I know that people like that thrive off of conflict. Wherever they can get it.

I'm sure they could find better things to do in their spare time, well, when they aren't torturing squirrels or somesuch.

What a wanker.

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