Monday, February 14, 2005

Hallmark, Shmallmark...

Yes, it's the day of perpetual roses and chocolate, and I'm alone. Well, I'm alone physically.

I decided to indulge, by investing my hard earned $3.99 on a package of Double-Stuffed Oreo's(tm) and doing some laundry and homework.

Gosh, how romantic. Can you FEEL the love?

I had a lovely conversation with my sweetheart on Yahoo messenger last night, replete with an excited "Happy Valentines Day!" from him at midnight his time. It was confusing to hear that at 10 o' clock my time on the 13th, but I clued in fast enough.

He's doing alright. Better than I was worrying so avidly about, and he's resting.

He's alive, that's all that matters to me. I think a large part of my heart would die if he wasn't. I don't know exactly what I would do.

I still wish I was there, Valentine's Day or not.

I got several emails, phone calls and text messages from friends of mine,(both male and female) throughout the course of the day. At least my friends love me, and HEY! That's a wonderful thing. My friends are more than my family to me.

Valentine's Day hasn't had the positive connotation to it for me since 1997 when my grandfather died at the kitchen table from a heart attack.

How ironic, to die of heart failure when it's Valentine's Day. (And I'm pretty sure I'm using Irony in the right context. Correct me if I'm wrong.)

This year it's significantly more poingnant, being that I live with my Grandmother, and he was her husband. She's been pretty quiet today, and I can tell she misses him.

I do too.

Hence the thrill of terror through my mind when I read that Devin had a heart attack (or something similar) on the 12th of February. I refuse to lose two people I adore in that short a span between days. Perhaps it sounds selfish, but I'm not ready to have that happen, and I'm sure Dev isn't either.

The radio was playing absolute SHITE this morning,(And I NEVER say that about the beat.) it sounded like a very bad flashback to the early 90's dirty R&B.

Puhleese, HOW is that romance?

I'm all for love, I'm a huge romantic, but right now, it's just frustrating, and VERY good at alienating the single population of North America.

I'm pro the Steak and Blowjob Day instead. Everyone likes a good cut of steak, and I'm a damned good cook.

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