Sunday, February 20, 2005

100 More Things...

I know that Travis told me it might be overkill, but I'm doing another set.

1.) I love technology, but at the same time I hate it, because it's so fickle, and so am I.
2.) I own enough makeup to make Tammy Faye Baker, envious.
3.) And I've used it all at one point or another, but not all at the same time.
4.) I don't like hockey, and have been told that I'm a piss-poor Canadian because of it.
5.) I do, however, enjoy watching soccer.
6.) I'm really good at sticking my foot in my mouth.
7.) I find that when people older than I am, and usually from the east coast of Canada, use the word "The" in front of nouns, IE.) "sending THE email..." "smoking THE pot..." Hysterically funny.
8.) Chocolate makes a GREAT breakfast.
9.) I love to sneeze. LOVE it.
10.) Maggie Simpson is my Favourite Simpson.
11.) Marge is hot when her hair is down. Homer is one lucky motherfucker.
12.) If "The Tick" was human, I would SO stalk him.
13.) When I was a kid, I loved Freddie Mercury so much, I told my dad I wanted to marry him.
14.) My favourite treat late at night, is white sesame toast, with butter and strawberry jam.
15.) I hate the edges of pie crust. I don't eat them.
16.) I've lost over 120 pounds in three years.
17.) I miss my first guy best-friend, Aiden Varga.
18.) I haven't talked to him in over eight years, when he moved up to the interior of British Columbia.
19.) When I was 12, My dad tried to stop me from having sleepover's at his house because he was worried that something sexual would happen between us.
20.) Nothing ever did. I never even kissed him.
21.) Although, I was madly in love with him.
22.) I LOVE buying presents for people that are totally personalized.
23.) I've only had two birthday parties in my life.
24.) <--- How old I turned when I had my second party. I don't remember that much of it, that must mean it was good.
25.) <---How old I'm going to be this year.
26.) I'm determined to make 25, the best year yet.
27.) I really hope so anyways.
28.) I worked in a bakery for almost 5 years.
29.) I know how to make any baked good imaginable. However, I NEVER bake at home
30.) It was a game for my co-workers to make me blush as many times in a day as possible. I have NO idea how high the record was when I quit. It was probably around the 50 mark.
31.) I refuse to eat doughnuts that are deep fried in oil, after making them for so many years.
32.) I refuse to eat pork from the Lower Mainland.
33.) That, is so fucking gross it makes me nauseous.
34.) And yet, it totally reminds me of a scene from the movie, "Fried Green Tomatoes." So I'm laughing my ass off.
35.) I haven't completely woken up yet.
36.) I think Astrology and Numerology are fascinating, but probably a bunch of bollocks when you get down to the important stuff.
37.) Yet I still read my horoscope, every damned day. From three different websites.
38.) When I'm really nervous, I'm very quiet.
39.) Most of the time, I don't shut up.
40.) I have wonderful classmates, because they tolerate that fact.
41.) I wish I was in Dallas, right now.
42.) I almost fell asleep sitting outside in the sunshine this morning.
43.) I don't drink coffee in the morning to wake up.
44.) However, I'll drink it in the evening, and then wonder why I can't fall asleep.
45.) I get five to six hours of sleep a night.
46.) I love the album "Up" by "Great Big Sea."
47.) It reminds me of my Grandfather, who in his youth was a charismatic, ravishing, debonnaire rake from Nova Scotia.
48.) No wonder my Grandma fell for him.
49.) No wonder my Grandfather fell for her.
50.) I love old school Rap, Hip-Hop and R&B.
51.) I was awful in Mathematics in Elementary school and Highschool.
52.) I slept through my senior year in English class and got a B plus.
53.) I was wearing headphones the whole time, so I didn't even learn subliminally.
54.) I really regret not taking English honours classes instead of regular English classes.
55.) I didn't have a date for my grad.
56.) I wasn't even going to go to my grad dinner/dance, but my friends made me.
57.) I'm glad they did.
59.) I have a terrible addiction to Dorito's, Double stuffed Oreo's and Dark chocolate.
60.) None of these were served at my grad dinner/dance. Damn.
61.) I get embarassed easily when my friends implicate me in explicit sexual situations. Even if I haven't done it.
62.) I was very shy, and quiet in Highschool.
63.) No one believes me when I say that.
64.) I never kissed anyone until after I graduated Highschool.
65.) If I could change the first person I kissed, I sure as hell would.
66.) I used to drink Pepsi when I was a kid, and when I moved out I switched to Coca Cola.
67.) Now, I usually only drink water.
68.) Steamrollers Burrito's are amazing. I love the deluxe beef burrito.
69.) I have an addiction to Spanish Rice.
70.) No, that's not a name of a bad Spanish/Asian porno. It's a rice side dish. Perverts.
71.) I think little kids are adorable. I always want to cuddle them.
72.) However, I talk to them like they are adults, and I'm always genuinely interested in what they have to say. If I can understand them.
73.) I think people that put clothing on their dogs are idiots.
74.) I bite my nails.
75.) I love Jazz.
76.) I've never used a Bidet.
77.) I've always wanted to try, but think it's unsanitary.
78.) That was probably WAY too much information.
79.) Oh well.
80.) Out of the five REAL (over a month and a half in duration) boyfriends I've had, four of them were originally from Ontario.
81.) I have NO idea why I keep on attracting guys from Ontario.
82.) I will never date another man named Peter again.
83.) Or Gerald.
84.) When I was 13, I was molested by my aunt's husband in my sleep, with his two children asleep in the same room.
85.) I took the asshole to court, and sued him for all he was worth.
86.) Unfortunately, that wasn't very much money. However, he also got slammed with a restraining order and wasn't allowed to be alone with his children until they were over the age of 18. He should have been sent away to rot in jail.
87.) Apparently, his health is terrible now, and he lives with his horrible, controlling mother. It's karma, baby.
88.) I went to counselling for two years afterwards, until I got tired of saying the same shit over and over again to the counsellor. I get it already.
89.) I think I repressed stuff he did to me before that major incident, and occasionally I remember it. I have nightmares about it sometimes.
90.) I don't regret being open about it. People shouldn't be ashamed of the things they can't control, and that was never caused by them.
91.) My old roommate Elizabeth gave me a native indian name. It's "Curses Freely." How apt.
92.) I gave her one. She's "Walks Into Walls." That's also very apt. She has so many damned bruises on her legs from whacking into assorted furniture, and misjudging the length of the hallway. Poor Lizzie.
93.) I am (apparently) 1/8th Miqmaq Indian.
94.) However, my Grandfather could have been pulling my leg.
95.) My only surviving Grandpa is dying from bladder cancer.
96.) He had Chemotherapy on Christmas Eve, and was still cheerful on Christmas Day.
97.) I am blown away by his strength of character.
98.) I wish I could be that strong.
99.) I donate over 500 dollars a year to research the cure for cancer, because it runs in my family.
100.) C'est Fin. Sorry if it was overkill Trav, hun.


david said...

You LIKE to sneeze?! I have never heard of such a thing!

Linds said...

Sneezing is the shit. I think I enjoy that fuzzy, tingly feeling afterwards.

It's been said that a sneeze is a seventh of an orgasm.

i think it's more along the lines of a fifth of one for me. It's great.