Tuesday, August 09, 2005

And Lo! The World's Most Geriatric Bus Driver!

Today, was a day that shall remain in my memory as one of the WORST days I've ever had on Public Transit. At least until tomorrow, when I've forgotten all about it. Such is the life of a girl with a memory like a sieve, who never really holds a grudge.

I live in the suburbs. I take a bus to the skytrain, the skytrain to downtown, and then a bus uptown to upper Vancouver for my daily ride to school. On good days, it takes me an hour and a half. On BAD days, like today, it took me almost two and a half hours. Some days it takes up to three and a half hours just to get home, and I usually end up doing my homework on the bus and the train.

I swear to god, that today I had the most:

a) Geriatric,
ii) Grouchy,
D) All of the above.

Bus drivers on every single public transit vehicle I took today. Not only that, but apparently I'm not aware enough in the morning to realize that the transit system has changed overnight, and the spot that I've waited for my bus EVERY DAY for the past eight months, has magically changed without warning. I don't notice this for 40 minutes, therefore leaving me an hour late for school this morning, and feeling pretty snarky. The way home wasn't much better, with my bus driver seemingly possessed by the spirit of Evel Knievel on speed, and I swear to gawd, at least three little old ladies went ass over tea kettle in about fifteen minutes. Not to mention the lady that got on with her toddler in a stroller, and the bus driver started revving the engine and rolling away about two seconds after she stepped onto the bus, and hadn't even sat down and made sure her kid was stable. The guy is a dickhead with no concern for the people he's moving about the city. Honestly, if you hate your job that much, why bother? *sighs*

At any rate, I'm notorious for thanking bus drivers. Manners were beaten into me by my parents, and by god, my kids (if I ever have them) are going to have it beaten into them. As a matter of fact, I can tell where the individuals riding the bus grew up, by the way they thank the bus driver. (or don't) Kids that grew up in the suburbs, that only had to take the bus sparingly, are usually the ones that thank the bus driver, and leave from the front doors to do so. Kids that grew up in the city, either show indifference, or holler their appreciation from the back doors while exiting. Kids that grew up in surrey, spit on the bus floor, talk loudly to their friends on their cell phones, or yell at them from the back of the bus, have their music so loud that it's a wonder they can hear after they turn it down. (Man, I'm getting ooooold.... *sighs*)

Whatever. I just know, that by the time Friday rolls around, I DESPISE humans, and thank the Lo'd that I can have two days off to recuperate from my disliking of Homo sapiens.

I'll give it some credit, and admit that Vancouver and the surrounding area has a pretty damned good transit system, and you can get around anywhere. (Within reason.) It's nice in some aspects, but as well as having a very elaborate transit system, we've got a very VERY expensive system. I'll paraphrase Ryan, my old roomie, who has travelled all over the world. He's said flat out to my face, that Vancouver has the most expensive transit system in the world, comparatively. Which is true. An hour and a half one zone (The lower mainland is divvied up into three segments) is a buck seventy five. two zones is two fifty, and three zones is three bucks Even-Steven. A three zone month farecard, is one hundred and thirty one dollars.

That's insane.

Though, given the fact that gasoline is upwards of a buck-oh-eight a litre lately, it's much cheaper to take transit.

Just make sure you have time on your hands.


Oh, and that you're able to catch little old ladies quickly.

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