Saturday, August 06, 2005

Human Again, To Be Human Again...

I just took the quickest shower in the universe. Five minutes, scrubbed damned near everything, washed my hair, wiped down the shower walls, and still made it down here with ample time to spare for this post.

The clincher? I'm still only wearing my towel.

It's Ten O clock My time, and I've got eight more hours to go. I'm impressed with myself, and the fact that I'm not pumping out garbage yet. My Latte still hasn't arrived, but I'm expecting it any time now. I still want it like a fat kid wants cake, but now that I've scrubbed the sweat from typing frantically off of my brow, I'm feeling a little better about the whole ordeal.

I've been chatting with the ever lovely and curvacious Mizz Jerilyn, the headmistress over at Unfortunate Serendipity, about the possibility of her writing a post in here. She seems game, and has been pondering over the content of her entry for a little while. I have complete faith in her, since she's not only beautiful, she's very smart and very funny, often having me burst out laughing in the middle of homework assignments over one thing or another. This wicked, cynical chiquita is worth visiting, so if you get the chance, go over to Unfortunate Serendipity and leave a note of undying devotion at her doorstep.

And hey, while your surfing around, go say hello to Mike G, over at the Churn Nation, Devin, at the Swamplog Blogathon 2005 page, who's trudging right along with me, and go read what the Mayor, Fenris Badwulf and Sargon the Magnificent have to say over in Mitchieville. All very cool cats, in my humble opinion.

If you like what I've been writing so far, and feel like contributing to the cause I'm doing all of this for, you can go to the link right here, and pldege some dinero to the Canadian Cancer Society. It's fora good cause, and you know you kick a lot of ass for doing it.

The song up on the server for the duration of this post, is "Secret" By Maroon 5. Bear with it, it's got a long intro, but the song itself is quite enjoyable.

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