Friday, August 05, 2005


I'm headed off to bed, preparing for my 24 hour stint of madness, writing for Blogathon 2005. If you haven't pledged yet, and intend to, you're gonna have to get on it. As it stands, I've got a total of 94 bucks showing up there, but Ian did already donate a 50 dollar donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. That brings the total up to 144 bucks, and I'm damned happy, and proud that you guys dished out some moolah to fund a good cause.

I'll be up at five-five thirty, steeping my first cuppa chai tea, and getting ready to park it on my ass in front of my laptop, for the following 24 hours, writing a post every half an hour.

If you guys have any ideas, questions, whatever, about what to write about, please send 'em in an email to me, and I'll do my best to answer them.

If you're interested in wishing me luck, my MSN addy for MSN messenger is, my Yahoo Messenger id is "duchessdocktrash", and the same goes for AOL messenger, it's "duchessdocktrash". I trust y'all to not exploit that I'm putting this out there. It's not hard to block an offensive person anyways, but I hope that some of you ding me with a hello, or whatnot.

I'm off to dreamland, which is good, since I'm friggin exhausted. The first post, (and song), will be up at six am Pacific standard time.



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