Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hello, Darlings!!

The results are in, the total that Blogathon 2005 raised in those 24 hours is $58,146.97. Amazing. I'm proud of each and every one of you for donating, I'm proud of the participants... Hell, I'm just proud. I'd give each and every one of you a big kiss on the cheek, and a huge hug, unfortunately, distance and time (Blasted time!!), fight against me.

A special shout out to Mr. Mike Guerrero, Mr. Devin Pike, and Madamoiselle Jerilyn Freeman, for contributing their literary talent to the cause. Your writings were insightful, entertaining and appreciated. Thank you. Also, my Momma, who drew some awfully purdy pictchoors for shwag, and Mr! Erik who graciously let me put a bunch of shit on the server.**

Speaking of shwag, (and I know this is the part you've all been waiting for...)

Ian is the recipient of the "Glamazons From The Past" images, (the four, hand drawn sketches of 1930s and 40s starlets done by my illustrious mother) for being the highest pledge donation.

Justin, one of my many compadres in crime from the DFW metroplex, scored the music compilation and original designed cover art which is approximately 63, 192 bitrate mp3's which is all of the music that I tossed up on the server, and a large portion of the stuff that went up on Blogathon Radio that was converted on the fly.

Congrats guys. You rule, and have earned my undying respect. (This goes to all y'all, and not just the two aforementioned gentlemen.)

Once again, thank-you. You guys are the jalepenos on my nachos, the gasoline on my torch, the Va-Va to my Voom! And a million other cheesy cliches; you name it, you are it, and I'm eternally grateful. Your participation made blogathon wholly enjoyable.



** Sorry Sweets! I forgot to write that in the email! Brain like a seive! Forgive me?

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