Saturday, August 06, 2005

Busy me!

I'm rearranging my office right now, though, 20 minute spans in between posts don't allow me much time to actually DO anything all at once. I'll have a few pics up soon, I just wanted to... Well honestly, I wanted to tidy my disaster of an office before I snap a picture of it. Remember, it's the last week of finals for me, and I haven't had the opportunity to do anything other than school, homework, sleep, shower and eat for the past three weeks. I'm also a full believer that you should never clean off your desk, because creative wise, you're going to find something useful on there for another project.

I rearrange my notes/sketches, etc every month or so, categorizing them in an expandable folder depending on what category they fall into. That being said, when it comes down to organizing my files on my computer, I'm very very very organized. if my desktop on "Shadow" (yes, thanks to Dev, and his mac genius, I have anthromorphized my mac.) gets too cluttered, I feel like I'm losing control of an already rocketing fast time in my life.

At any rate, I'm back on the gravy train again, and I'm wide awake now. *grins* What happens at three AM tomorrow morning is another story. Pray for me, children.



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