Without further ado, number ten on my "top ten hottest men in the universe according to Linds", is no one else than Mr. Robbie Williams.
Tattooed, built, sassy, smart and a bit abrasive, I have the total smoking hots for Mr. Williams. Truth be told his face is fair to middling, but if you want me to be blunt, you can't see much with the lights on dim. If anyone would like to wrap Mr. Williams up for a present (It doesn't have to be for my birthday, or for Christmas or whatever, I'll accept a present any time of the year...)
At any rate, I think he's smokin' hot, and I've taken the liberty of posting up one of my fave songs done by him, (since I go for the music as well as the beefcake) Though not all qualifiers on this top ten list are musicians. Expect another top ten masculine hottie within the next couple of days. I'm not going to wax eloquent about the charms of Mr. Williams, I think the photograph speaks for itself. and as to why I admire his rather tempting physique. I wouldn't mind giving him a hand with his currently photographed situation.
Song: Feel -- Robbie Williams.
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