Saturday, August 06, 2005

Just A Taste of Madame Lamarr.

And of my mother's artistic prowess. This is a copywritten image, so please don't duplicate it and use it for your own advantage. I feel like an arse posting it with a watermark on it, but I think you guys understand. Four of these go to the highest pledge participant for the GSD 'thon. Original signed art, to grace the walls of your humble abode. I wasn't underestimating my Mom's talent with the pencil. This is Hedy Lamarr, by the way.

Interesting fact about Hedy Lamarr. When Mel Brooks made the movie, Blazing Saddles, the villains character name was Hedly Lamarr. Hedy Lamarr actually sued Mel Brooks for using her name. When the production company asked what Brooks would do about her suing him, he said "Pay her, of course!" The bit was too funny to NOT use, according to Brooks.

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