Sunday, August 07, 2005

Time to recoup.

Things have been juggling between Frantic panic, (Hey! that would be a GREAT band name... Come to think of it, so would Minor Crises.) and now, I've got the chance to take a breather. Devin's got the situation with Blogathon radio under control now, mostly supplied with music from my music library. I'm feeling exhilerated, to be honest. I've been "running around" like a maniac, and apart from the knots in my shoulders, and the ache in my lower back, from sitting typing so damned much, I'm feeling pretty good.

Mike G, from Churn was taunting me by asking when I was going to break, and I told him, defiantly even that I might bend, but I sure as hell won't break. I'm here for the long haul.

at any rate, I've got a RARE track for you lucky few that are staying up so late, reading my barely coherant text. I have... As I write this with a HUGE grin on my face, a live version of "Potholes In My Lawn", by De La Soul, for you guys to listen to.


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