Sunday, August 07, 2005

Good Afternoon.

I feel hungover.

I also feel very proud of each and every person that contributed to my cause, other's causes, commented, posted, worked on the blogathon site, you effing well name it. Great job. You proved that you gave a shit about what goes on in this world, and raised a huge amount of moolah for various organizations. I applaud you.

Jerilyn took the effort into copying and pasting my entire 'thon contents into word, and doing a wordcount for me. Here's the screen capture.

I hope you guys can read it. As it stands, I'm taking a few days off of blogging, but I'd like to say a something first because, apparently, I'm a woman of many words. *smirks*

Devin, what you wrote about in Swamplog b2k5 was a very personal, very deep story. The fact that you had the balls to share it with the world, is admirable. Thank-you. You were the only person, (only because you were writing along with me) that was here pretty much the entire time, excepting your troubles with the road warrior, and I think if I wasn't running around in a panic trying to gather up some music for you between one and four in the morning, I would have crashed and burned. Oh, and Hey! Next year, why don't you try blogging from home, sweets.

Jerilyn. Madamioselle. You, are a goddess. When D had everything under control (or a semblance of it) and he was the proverbial balls deep making sure that blogathon radio was running smoothly, he got pretty quiet. I had nothing to do, other than write. No one was online, other than Dev and myself, and you were my own personal saviour at the end of it all. You kept me awake for that last hour and a half. Thank you. I wasn't coherant enough by the end of my babblings to do it justice, but now you know. I wouldn't, Honestly I wouldn't have made it without you popping back online to save me.

That's it for now. I have two assignments due tomorrow. One of them is Typography. Hooray. more typing. I have to get to work.



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