Sunday, August 07, 2005


So I'm sitting outside, gathering my wits about me, and not more than ten feet away from me, is a young skunk.

Linds freezes, watches it, praying this little (and I admit, cute) skunk, doesn't see her moving, doesn't decide that she makes a PERFECT thing to use as target practice. I don't have any tomato Juice in my house, and I don't think OJ is going to cut it.

As you guys might have gathered, I live with my grandmother, who's just turned 74. Life can be trying at times, living with her, she has a tendency to nit pick, and I'm not the most collected person at times. though, right now, I'm faring so well I can't believe I've been up for almost 23 hours. (I've been up since five fifteen, getting ready for this.) I've already got my day planned tomorrow, and I'm only alloting myself six hours of sleep, since I have two final projects due on Monday. To say I'm FREAKING, albeit in my head, is bang on the money.

I've picked the song "Get Ur Freak On" by Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliot, one of my all time favourite female rappers, as the next song for the GSD podcast.

Enjoy. I really have no idea if anyone is listening to these things, but from what I've gathered, I've got a few readers zipping back and forth. Thanks, even if you don't comment, rest assured, I appreciate it.

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