Sunday, August 07, 2005

I think...

The last time I did a 24 stint of anything, was when I was working for in the bakery and I was the first person on shift. I used to start my shifts at about four in the morning. Some days at three fourty five in the morning. It's a gadawful time to get up, I'll be perfectly honest. The average human being feels terrible getting up at seven thirty, much less three in the morning. The Jewish princess took me out to karaoke, and I agreed to go. I think it was more than 24 hours to be honest, and I was royally sauced by the time it ended. I think I was up until eleven that morning, and I topped it with a shift at the end of my adventures at the bar.

Rest assured, frying doughnuts at six in the morning is a disgusting task, and I pity anyone that has to do anything of the sort. I've never regretted quitting that job in my life. I made the deliberate decision to start my schooling rather than continue working a job I hate. To be honest, I'd suggest that to anyone that feels like they are stuck working that day to day job, counting the hours until the end of your shift, counting your shifts until the weekend, counting the weeks until your holidays. You get the gist of what I'm saying. I'm thrilled that I've found something that I'd consider a niche, and though I'm not a professional by any means, I've been told that my eyes seemed to express "determination". Right now all you can see when you look at my eyes, is the pair of Louis Vuittons underneath them however.

I've picked "Black Coffee", By Ella Fitzgerald, one of my vocal Icons, for the next half an hour. I hope you enjoy it.

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