Sunday, August 07, 2005

Wake Up Call.

Well, the mild panic ensuing after trying to help Mr Pike with the contents of my rather extensive music library has paid off somewhat, he's working his "talky magic" at this moment in time. Whatever the hell that means. That man could convince a nun to take off her panties, I swear...

Okay. I'm laughing for a good minute over that line alone. Whoo... My spelling and grammar has been shot to hell, but I can't expect any better than this at this time of night, with the amount of writing I've been doing.

When I was in Highschool, I was shy, reticient, even, and didn't really have many friends, other than the "Holy Triad". In otherwords, Ryan, Crystal B. and Crystal D. We never really hung out all at once, but tended to hang out with each other on a solo basis.... Does that even make sense? I think it does. *sighs* I chilled out with them individually, anyways. That's what I'm getting at. The same happens now, however, since I've been going to school full time, working on homework 6 to 8 hours a night, and struggling through my finals, I haven't seen Crystal B or Ryan all that much. I often feel like a bad friend, but I know that they understand, and would never shun me for trying to better myself with an education that would eventually bring me a fairly substantial income. At least I *HOPE* it will.

Crystal D, is the saviour that just brought me my Latte, she's my tanning partner, my tennis partner, and the girl I go out with all the time on various meandering road trips with. Ryan, is an old roomie of mine, Cynical, Funny as hell, and one of the cutest gay men I know. Crystal B, is the mommy of my "nephew" (I am auntie Linds, occasionally, I'm "Funny Auntie Linds")

My parents have known these "kids" for as long as I have, and both of them have a fondness for all three. When Ryan started working on the cruise ships, my dad called him 'Cabin Boy" and looked forward to his postcards almost as much as I did. He calls Crystal B, Blondie, because she's got long blonde hair that goes all the way down to her waist. Her son has the same colour hair... Like sunshine dipped in gold. Beautiful. I think my dad has a particular fondness for Crystal D, who in her own way, was as shy as I was, and I think now that we hang out all the time, she's opened up. Or at least partially because of me... I tend to do that to people. I make them laugh, I make them talk, and mainly because I love to see them open up that way. I love to see them not being afraid to My dad calls Crystal D. "Bambi" though neither she nor I have the faintest Idea WHY. It's funny as hell. Well, to me, anyways...

At any rate, I'm yammering on, but the fact of the matter is, that these people are the focal points in my life, if you haven't gathered that yet. I'm so highly social, that I feel... Well, I guess I feel abandoned without my friends. I have no siblings. I was lonely as a kid, and I think I swore to myself that I'd never be lonely again, even subconciously.

Sometimes, you choose the people that you call family. I'm glad I chose these people.

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