Saturday, August 06, 2005


After reading Jerilyn's stunning post, (and honestly sister of my heart, thank you. that was beautifully done) I can't help but reflect upon how lucky I am to have such a wide, wonderful, LOVING circle of friends. I'm not just talking about the people I know here in Vancouver, but the ones I've made over my year and a quarter of blogging. What makes me think the most, and what makes my heart ache, is the feeling of loneliness that pervades the souls that I befriend.

Dean, my neurotic monkey. I know how lonely you get. I know that in my heart, there's a woman (or women, *leers*) out there for you, and you're going to knock them off of their feet with your knowledge of pop culture, movies, music and your inherantly romantic nature. You remind me of one of my best girlfriends here in town, and the feeling I get when I see her alone, tears at my heart, when I know how fabulous she is. You're the same way.

Mitch. You go through women like a hot knife through butter, but the amount of time I've spent talking with you online, creating that bond, that *mental* bond, with you, gives me a depth and insight into you that's shocking at times. I can almost predict what you say, and it's a pleasure to chat with you, almost every day.

Erik. *sighs* I miss you, you shit. I miss you already, and you've only been gone a month. No one is more fun to blab with over cheap pizza. I know life will settle down for you over in Ontario, and when it does, you're going to dazzle the chicks there. If you find the time. The lady that gets you, is lucky as hell.

I'm skipping people. I don't have the time to do this post justice. Suffice it to say, that I'm very happy to have you, in one form or another, in my life. Thank you.

I realize it's a bit melencholy, and I apologize for it, but if there is anything I'm known for writing about, it's the feelings in my heart.

The song up on the server right now is from the incomparable Miss Aretha Franklin, and the song I chose is "Today I Sing The Blues" which is one of my all time favourite songs by her. Aretha is the balm to my soul, when I'm down, and blue.

Have a listen here.


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