Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Zip, Zero, Nada, Nothin', 零, Zéro, нул, Cero, μηδέν, ゼロ, Nul, 0.

"There's no rest for the wicked."

Or so they say. I haven't had much opportunity to be wicked, so what the fuck is up with that?

I'm slogging away in Final cut the whole evening, HOPING to finish an assignment due tomorrow... That I'm starting tonight. Eeek. Therefore, no posts of any signifigance today.

HOWEVER! I do have another song for y'all, and I'm enjoying this immensely, to be honest, by tossing up an mp3 every few days (or closer in between) for you guys to listen to.

This one is from the new Missy Elliot album "The Cookbook" and the track is entitled "On & On" produced by the Neptunes. Them caaaraaaazy Neptunes. This is one sweet ass track. Well, to me, anyways. It's got a hard, very synth-ey, funky back beat.

Okay, I'm losing my marbles. Damned finals.

Have a listen.

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