Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Dreams, Real and Figurative. Where and What.

Bed time!

What do you wear to bed?

Usually, nothing. Surprising eh?

What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I sleep on the left side of the bed, because it's closest to the snooze button. The right side is reserved for my pillows.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

No. However, I sleep with about seven pillows. Does that count? I also have a body pillow that is AWESOME. I heart my body pillow.

Blanket/bed hog?

Not that I've been told. Usually I have to yard the blankets back from whoever I'm sleeping with. When I used to sleep with someone, that is.

Do you make your bed everyday?

Hell no. Much to my grandmothers dismay.

The other kind of dreams.

What are your creative dreams?

I have heaps of creative dreams. Mostly focussing on and around being involved in an elite female crime fighting team, funded by an anonymous billionaire, wearing a catsuit, toting semi-automatics, and having feathered hair, foisting evil plans...

Oh wait. Real dreams/goals? Hrm. Well making design for a living, obviously.

What do you do to make them real?

I'm lurking in second term at Langara Electronics Media Design. That's pretty darned active for making them real. I also design my own shit on a regular basis, finding playing in photoshop to be really enjoyable.

What would you do if time and money were no object?

Man. That's a dream, alright. If time and money were no object, I'd be travelling the world, living in a relatively comfortable home, surrounded by kickass electronic goodies designing my butt off for myself and for friends.
Who are the supportive people in your life?

My Mom and Dad, Crystal(s) TJP, Melissa, Devin, Mitch, Fenris, Mike G., Jerilyn, Marty... You name it. all of my friends are friends for a reason.

What makes you unique?

I would like to think that I see the world from an interesting perspective, and help other people see the world through my eyes, which are sometimes naive, and sometimes pretty weary. I always try to treat people with compassion and understanding. I love observing things, and occasionally commenting on them.

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